gfyty7ftyr6 » 2Moons Question: how to k - Блог aadd Увійти

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gfyty7ftyr6 : 2Moons Question: how to k
 2Moons, you could start off with a wonder firing, gets them nice and KB'ed if they tried to get in close, or are not fast enough on the skills(

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Створення: 24/04/2010 03:52
Оновлення: 24/04/2010 03:53
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Всього відвідувань 1131

gfyty7ftyr6 :: 2Moons Question: how to k

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: 2Moons Question: how to kill a sumoner - 24/04/2010 03:53

2Moons Question: how to kill a sumoner